Jesse Clark Photo

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018 February 13th, 2018



This is the beach at Jericoacoara, or Jeri. We woke up early and left Fortaleza for a four-hour drive north to Jeri. Today is the last day of the Carnaval holiday which was neat to see the festivities in the evening

Lunch on the Beach

Lunch on the Beach

We had lunch on the beach before driving into Jeri.

To get to Jeri you have to drive over the sand dunes near the ocean. It can be windy so the sand dunes change frequently which means that the road changes frequently. 

Through the Tinted Window

Through the Tinted Window



Carnaval Celebration

Carnaval Celebration

Carnaval wrapped up this evening and to celebrate there was a parade and band on the beach. The celebration is not the traditional costumes that they have in Rio.