Jesse Clark Photo

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006 December 20th, 2006

Let it Snow

Let it Snow

About half of the people in my department didn't show up for work today; it isn't that bad. There are two great things about this:

  1. It is still warm (25 F) so I didn't have to scrape ice off my car.
  2. I am going skiing on Friday and the conditions will be great!

There is talk the University might close for the day; this would mean a paid holiday! In my 4 year history here, as a student and employee, we never had a day off. Even back in 2002 with that huge blizzard, we were on spring break!


At 11am the University officially closed and we got to go home. Even better it will be closed tomorrow because of the snow. Since Friday is an official holiday, I am on Christmas break until next Wednesday! I will continue to post pictures throughout the day!

Over time

Over time

I set my camera on the ledge of the window in my office and told it to take a picture every two minuets for three hours. Here are a few of those shots.

A bobcat cleaning up the snow.



This guy got his truck stuck in the parking lot. He was just trying to get it parked. I went out and helped and it took us about 10 minuets to get it moved 25 feet. This is about the same place where the bobcat was working about an hour ago. Look at how much snow has piled up.

This dog loved the snow!